Kim Pearson is a leading nutritionist and weight loss specialist based on London’s Harley Street. Kim’s unique, five-pillar Intelligent Weight Loss Method has helped hundreds of women and men to overcome their weight challenges, reach their happy weight and maintain it long term. Here, Kim shares with us her top tips for ensuring you get the most out of your body treatments at Dr Preema London Clinic.


Understanding how to structure a meal is a vital first step. We tend to base our meals on starchy carbs like cereal, bread, pasta or rice but this isn’t supportive of weight loss or health in general. Instead, structure meals around a source of protein (like eggs, fish, seafood, organic meat, tempeh or tofu), a moderate portion of health fats (such as olive or coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds) and plenty of vegetables or salad. This will fill you up and keep you satisfied, helping to prevent snacking between meals.


Eating too much sugar is one of the fastest ways to gain weight. If it’s not used for energy, the body can convert sugar into fat to store for future use. You may well be aware of typical high sugar foods like cakes (looking at you, banana bread), biscuits and sweets. It’s also important to watch out for hidden sugars in foods like sauces, cereals and energy bars. Get into the habit of reading labels. The current guidelines state that a food containing less than 5g or less of total sugars per 100g is classed as low sugar. The less you can consume, the more it will help you get the best results from your fat loss treatments.


Many of us eat for reasons other than genuine hunger. Stress, loneliness and boredom can all be triggers for non-hunger eating. Ask yourself, is your desire to eat genuine hunger, or something more? Try keeping a food diary noting down how you’re feeling as well as what and how much you’re eating. If you notice you’re eating for reasons other than genuine hunger, find healthier ways to address these needs. Bored? Take a break with a cup of tea and a magazine. Stressed? Listen to a ten-minute guided meditation or do a deep breathing exercise. We can confuse thirst for hunger too, so make sure you drink at least 1.5l of water every day. 


Self-care is an important consideration in the weight loss equation. When we don’t make time for it we can quickly become depleted and reach for food to ‘top up the tank’. Self-care is all about what feels right for you, whether it’s spending half an hour reading before bed, taking a bubble bath, doing a creative course or working on self-development. Scheduling some type of self-care activity into your daily life is an important way to reward yourself without always turning to food. 


The American Society of Training and Development carried out a study on accountability and found that we have a 65% chance of completing a goal if we commit to someone. This increases to 95% if we have a specific accountability appointment with someone we’re accountable to. Recruit a friend or family member who understands your situation and supports you achieving your goals and set up a regular ‘check in’ schedule. Or work with one of our expert nutritionists who will provide you with supportive accountability alongside nutrition, health and lifestyle advice tailored to your needs. 


Many clients we work with already have a fairly good idea of what a healthy diet looks like, but nonetheless, have struggled with losing weight or maintaining their weight loss long term. We’d like to offer you the opportunity to speak with one of our qualified nutritionists about your weight challenges. Our expert team have been trained in Kim’s Intelligent Weight Loss Method – a five pillar approach to successful weight loss and long term weight maintenance. For more information, Kim’s team can be contacted on (0)20 7632 7574 or [email protected]