It’s really important that every new patient coming into the clinic has a full consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable practitioners. Our team are results focussed, meaning they are only going to recommend a treatment if it’s in line with what you are trying to achieve and it’s really going to work!
You may already have done your research at home and know exactly which treatment you would like. It’s then our job to take you through all of the suitable treatment options and make sure you pick something that is going to get you the best result. Sometimes, that can mean having a completely different treatment than the one you had in mind, or sometimes it can mean having a combination of several things.
The beauty of the aesthetics industry today is that there is literally a treatment for everything and let’s face it, with over 15 devices in the clinic, there is a whole lot that we can offer! But the one size fits all approach doesn’t always work and that’s where we may look to blend options into a bespoke treatment plan, specifically for you.
For example, Profhilo® is wonderful at hydrating and rejuvenating tired, dull, crepey skin, but it’s not going to give you the lift around the jowls that you may be looking for. That’s where we would suggest Profhilo® combined with Secret RF or EndyMed 3 Deep® to give you the extra jawline definition. Or we may recommend Venus Legacy™ skin tightening following your Coolsculpting® fat reduction, to tidy up any loose skin. These treatments can generate amazing results on their own, but we have seen phenomenal results when combined together!
Treatment combinations can be fairly simple, or they can be more complex depending on what you are trying to achieve. Our patient below was concerned about her acne and following her consultation with one of our Medical Aestheticians, she had one session of Laser Genesis™ to remove the redness and begin targeting her spots. This was followed by one Salicylic skin peel to remove the excess oil from her skin, and then monthly Mandelic peels to keep the skin exfoliated, minimising her acne whilst also targeting the pigmentation left from old spots and scars. All of this was supported by high quality skin care at home. This layering of treatments enabled us to effectively treat multiple skin concerns, leaving her thrilled with the results which were achieved over the course of five months.
So don’t be scared if your practitioner says to you that they would like to try a couple of different things. That’s just our way of using the skills and tools we have at our disposal to make sure that we get you the best possible result for what you are trying to achieve.